Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Chromis viridis in a field of coral colums
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Batavian Parrottfish
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Coral and tunicates
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Return from the reef
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Flower of the fig tree
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Golden Orb Weaving Spider
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Laughing Kookaburra
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Honeyeater on a Snow Wood Tree
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Australasian Figbird
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Group of Masked Lapwings
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Paperwood forest at Daisy Hill, Australia