Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Waldvegetation im Urwald von Neukaledonien
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Termitenbau im Rajaji National Park, Indien
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Rose-ringed parakeet
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Sunset in Budy, near Bialowieza, Poland
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): A small road through the Bialowieza forest
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Old Trunk in Bialowieza Forest
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Wood bison (wisent) in the wild
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Priemeval Forest, Letea, Romania in June
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Mediterranean Forest at Cerro São Miguel Mountain, South Portugal
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Joammerdal, Venlo, The Netherlands
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Forest of birches in Bierbrza
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Olsberg, Sauerland, Germany
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Schneeland in Sumikawa.jpg