Emmelia: phatflakes
Emmelia: got pushed into the building as i took this! hello wind!
Emmelia: herro ashland!
Emmelia: snowalkalypse!
Emmelia: probably just sounds like wind.
Emmelia: opened our door to this
Emmelia: following jon
Emmelia: a person skiing.
Emmelia: looking south on clark
Emmelia: east on berwyn
Emmelia: north on clark (potbelly's is open!)
Emmelia: car on Berwyn
Emmelia: alley
Emmelia: bummer
Emmelia: only knew there was something there cause of the antenna
Emmelia: only took about 30 minutes to dig out! not bad
Emmelia: attempted a little by hand!
Emmelia: belly flopping, fun but cold
Emmelia: This kid knows how to travel!
Emmelia: where's the Jon?!
Emmelia: climbing back over!
Emmelia: currently standing on snow that's taller than a car
Emmelia: uhoh, we found where the sidewalk ends!
Emmelia: red snow legs!