Emmelia: Garrett
Emmelia: Rachie and Me, Rockford church.
Emmelia: Where's Gareth?!?! found him!!
Emmelia: Max!
Emmelia: Rachel on the way up
Emmelia: SUSIE!!! that's her name. home hosp lady
Emmelia: Group in a tree
Emmelia: Max and Quinn
Emmelia: Me and Rachie, aren't we hot?
Emmelia: Rachel writes me nice notes.
Emmelia: Quinn being phuufed
Emmelia: Quinn during Coffee House
Emmelia: Kealan lookin' awesome
Emmelia: DDR...
Emmelia: Me and Kelly
Emmelia: group activity?
Emmelia: Me! on a bench! being a hobo?
Emmelia: hm... close up of the hobo. remind me to delete this
Emmelia: Alex smith during the dance