Emmelia: Rachie, Mike, Morgan! hanging out!
Emmelia: Rachie and "harold" as she affectionately named him
Emmelia: Rachel loves closing circles.
Emmelia: Nat! touch group!
Emmelia: Sweet hat i won for the scavenger hunt!
Emmelia: Morgan, closing circle!
Emmelia: Meredith! emmelia! Nat!
Emmelia: Then i ripped Lisa's underwear, whoops.
Emmelia: Lisa!
Emmelia: Kate!
Emmelia: Jarrid, Emmelia! nick!
Emmelia: i look nut! justin looks happy!
Emmelia: Rob is cute! and cold.
Emmelia: Lovely Justin, Lovely.
Emmelia: Me and Harold!!!
Emmelia: Emily!
Emmelia: Dobby! Kevin!
Emmelia: Look at Nic Cable in the background please. during Coffee House
Emmelia: Cameron during closin!
Emmelia: hi Byron!
Emmelia: Mike, Morgan and Rachel are so cute in the corner.
Emmelia: We Love Abe Lincoln but fail at spelling it out with bodies!
Emmelia: Woo! beheaded at lincoln park i guess
Emmelia: worshipping Martin Luther King, Jr.!
Emmelia: We love the memorial and our sweet hats!
Emmelia: Statues! i forget of what, or why they're important!
Emmelia: Committing crimes outside the law office!
Emmelia: His Home, D'aww!!
Emmelia: Protesting them freaks!
Emmelia: Getting edumacated at the liberry!