Emmelia: Me and Nate! matching sweaters! bad aim max!
Emmelia: Nate, in the preppiest of thriftstore fashion.
Emmelia: hanging out in a tent in the early a.m.
Emmelia: a mask! in beatnix
Emmelia: Taylor playing the saxamaphone in the stairwell.
Emmelia: dance party1
Emmelia: Paul and Nate during Coffeehouse.
Emmelia: Oliver drinking with Dobby!
Emmelia: Oliver is the best dancer, ever.
Emmelia: Oliver, Dobby and Kali!
Emmelia: Leg Wrestling!!! i wanna do this again soon.
Emmelia: Leg party before home hospitality!
Emmelia: Gregory in a tree.
Emmelia: pile of people
Emmelia: Emily is attractive.
Emmelia: man! that's why i came in! to vogue! beatnix again.