Emmelia: Nick took a picture like this, it's way better. maybe i'll upload it later.
Emmelia: I win at not looking at the camera?
Emmelia: My neck fails. he looks good.
Emmelia: body shot, he told me all about the restruant.
Emmelia: We sat in urban outfitters for about an hour. that's how much we love it. we even talked to quirk, our two favorite things. UO and Sarah Quirk!
Emmelia: Nick isn't stoned, that's weird.
Emmelia: I win at taking bad pictures!!!
Emmelia: We win at not awkward necks, jksmile!!
Emmelia: Nick laying on my lap
Emmelia: It's tradition to have crotch pictures, bad without aim though :(
Emmelia: I win at biting Nick, that's his wound :(
Emmelia: He thinks this picture sucks, i like it.
Emmelia: I don't like to admit it, but i think we're super cute sometimes.
Emmelia: I win at looking a bit nutty!