emmeffe6: Louis Wain
emmeffe6: Louis Wain
emmeffe6: Louis Wain
emmeffe6: Louis Wain
emmeffe6: Louis Wain
emmeffe6: Louis Wain
emmeffe6: Louis Wain
emmeffe6: Louis Wain
emmeffe6: Franz Marc
emmeffe6: Franz Marc
emmeffe6: Jules Leroy
emmeffe6: Currier & Ives
emmeffe6: Lilla Cabot Perry
emmeffe6: Ewald Honnef
emmeffe6: From "The Book of the Cat" by F Simpson publishd by Cassell and Company in 1903
emmeffe6: From "The Book of the Cat" by F Simpson publishd by Cassell and Company in 1903
emmeffe6: From "The Book of the Cat" by F Simpson publishd by Cassell and Company in 1903
emmeffe6: From "The Book of the Cat" by F Simpson publishd by Cassell and Company in 1903
emmeffe6: From "The Book of the Cat" by F Simpson publishd by Cassell and Company in 1903
emmeffe6: From "The Book of the Cat" by F Simpson publishd by Cassell and Company in 1903
emmeffe6: From "The Book of the Cat" by F Simpson publishd by Cassell and Company in 1903
emmeffe6: From "The Book of the Cat" by F Simpson publishd by Cassell and Company in 1903
emmeffe6: From "The Book of the Cat" by F Simpson publishd by Cassell and Company in 1903
emmeffe6: Book of cats and dogs, and other friends, for little folks
emmeffe6: Book of cats and dogs, and other friends, for little folks
emmeffe6: Book of cats and dogs, and other friends, for little folks
emmeffe6: Book of cats and dogs, and other friends, for little folks
emmeffe6: Book of cats and dogs, and other friends, for little folks
emmeffe6: Fron "The Book of Cats" 1868
emmeffe6: Mary Cassatt