emmbee1962: don't mess with ... whatever this is
emmbee1962: railroad lights
emmbee1962: looking north
emmbee1962: through the bridge
emmbee1962: P1010359
emmbee1962: I walk the line
emmbee1962: bridges
emmbee1962: P1010364
emmbee1962: P1010366
emmbee1962: P1010368
emmbee1962: P1010369
emmbee1962: P1010370
emmbee1962: parrrrrrrrrtayyyyyyy!
emmbee1962: P1010373
emmbee1962: French Quarter, anyone?
emmbee1962: P1010375
emmbee1962: Party bus
emmbee1962: a lofty goal
emmbee1962: the world's largest ...
emmbee1962: O'Malley's Irish Pub
emmbee1962: pub stage
emmbee1962: pub wall
emmbee1962: pub menu
emmbee1962: pub hallway
emmbee1962: P1010385
emmbee1962: P1010386
emmbee1962: the never-ending stairway
emmbee1962: the artist at work
emmbee1962: P1010391
emmbee1962: P1010392