emmaroyle: Event Horizon, Flatiron
emmaroyle: Event Horizon, Flatiron
emmaroyle: Phonebox
emmaroyle: Push
emmaroyle: Greenwich Village
emmaroyle: Music Cat
emmaroyle: Greenwich Village
emmaroyle: Sex and the City, Greenwich Village
emmaroyle: Frat Boys
emmaroyle: Fat Cat Lives Here
emmaroyle: Robot
emmaroyle: HELLO NYC!
emmaroyle: Twins, Washington Square Park
emmaroyle: Acrobatics, Washington Square Park
emmaroyle: Sand, Washington Square Park
emmaroyle: 5th Avenue Wedding
emmaroyle: Shake Shack
emmaroyle: Brooklyn Bridge
emmaroyle: Brooklyn Bridge
emmaroyle: Brooklyn Bridge
emmaroyle: Brooklyn Bridge
emmaroyle: Juniors, Brooklyn
emmaroyle: Monsters on Brooklyn Bridge
emmaroyle: Squeeee
emmaroyle: Gershwin Hotel, Flatiron
emmaroyle: Guggenheim
emmaroyle: Happy 50th Birthday!
emmaroyle: Apple, 5th Avenue
emmaroyle: Really, A Dog Park