emmamakescakes: Hammock district with Tom
emmamakescakes: Triangle hammock district is very hard to photograph!
emmamakescakes: Hillary and Zee
emmamakescakes: Hillary and Zee
emmamakescakes: Hillary and Zee
emmamakescakes: Hillary and Zee, affection by way of torment
emmamakescakes: Tom and Zee place a stone
emmamakescakes: Tom and Zee place a stone
emmamakescakes: Tom and Zee place a stone
emmamakescakes: Tom and Zee place a stone
emmamakescakes: Tom and Zee, muscles!
emmamakescakes: gathering goldenrod on the hilltop at the farm
emmamakescakes: Q on the hilltop
emmamakescakes: soldiers on the bench
emmamakescakes: the whole hilltop used to look like this
emmamakescakes: Hey that's my dad!
emmamakescakes: Tom and Hillary and Emma
emmamakescakes: Zee's into martial arts so I pretend to be also
emmamakescakes: Tom and Zee. Tom got new chisels!
emmamakescakes: Q and Tom and Zee and Hillary
emmamakescakes: Tom adds more grapes with his new chisels
emmamakescakes: WIP mandala at the farm, September 2020
emmamakescakes: WIP mandala at the farm, collab with Hillary, September 2020
emmamakescakes: fern, hickory, dollseye, white pebbles, sassafras leaves, immature acorns, dollseye stems, wild apples
emmamakescakes: grass, acorns, "suds flowers", wild cherries, goldenrod gall
emmamakescakes: dogbane and hawthorn
emmamakescakes: goldenrod, sumac, wild apples, Pennsylvania smartweed, skulls and bones
emmamakescakes: when you mean to make foil packets for dinner but your foil roll is empty.
emmamakescakes: Q cooks dinner, Hillary and Zee observe