EmmaDurnford: Hampton Court facade - tudor
EmmaDurnford: Marble hall
EmmaDurnford: Artist at work
EmmaDurnford: A Warder admires the work
EmmaDurnford: Measuring for perspective
EmmaDurnford: Window seat sketching
EmmaDurnford: Floor sketching
EmmaDurnford: Another window seat
EmmaDurnford: Challenging light conditions
EmmaDurnford: Original furniture protected from direct sunlight by blinds
EmmaDurnford: Low light conditions
EmmaDurnford: Window seat sketching
EmmaDurnford: Nicky Brown and Sian Morgan working hard on the next project
EmmaDurnford: Still working hard!
EmmaDurnford: The Great Hall and armoury provided inspiration
EmmaDurnford: Deep in concentration
EmmaDurnford: A draughty staircase but stunning Trompe L'oiles
EmmaDurnford: Some welcome natural daylight
EmmaDurnford: A break from sitting on the window seats
EmmaDurnford: Ionic columns
EmmaDurnford: Georgian facade
EmmaDurnford: Pencil drawing
EmmaDurnford: Pencil sketch
EmmaDurnford: Coloured pencils on black paper
EmmaDurnford: Mixed media
EmmaDurnford: Another floor sketcher works on the shadows
EmmaDurnford: Brief break
EmmaDurnford: Back to work!
EmmaDurnford: 1st December 2014