emmac350: Experimental garlic planting (aka I forgot the heads in the fridge for long enough they sprouted outside of when they're supposed to be planted)
emmac350: Garlic pots
emmac350: Seed starting in the spare room
emmac350: Winter/early spring garden
emmac350: Winter/spring garden - lettuce mix and a couple of carrots
emmac350: Winter/spring garden - mustard greens
emmac350: Winter/spring garden - only one parsley survived the frost
emmac350: Winter/spring garden - garlic shoots
emmac350: Winter/spring garden - brussels sprouts forming
emmac350: Winter/spring garden - brussels sprouts, spinach
emmac350: Camellia starting to open
emmac350: Camellia bloom fully open
emmac350: Adding more browns to my compost bin
emmac350: Starting to get sprouts!
emmac350: More sprouts!
emmac350: More tomato sprouts
emmac350: Time to start rotating the seed tray
emmac350: First pepper sprouts
emmac350: Making a new bed for squash
emmac350: New squash bed plus the pots
emmac350: Pepper and tomato sprouts
emmac350: Toad friend!
emmac350: Onion sets planted
emmac350: More sprouts
emmac350: These were prolific producers but the small size made it really hard to determine ripeness/overripeness and their small size made them prone to splitting with rainfall.
emmac350: Greens from the garden
emmac350: Trying to root the pink/orange roses
emmac350: Obsessed with the color of this rose
emmac350: Trying to root the roses
emmac350: Redbud starting to bloom