emmac350: Meet Mario, a tiny bedraggled gremlin.
emmac350: Mario was such a tiny bedraggled gremlin.
emmac350: Mario was such a tiny bedraggled gremlin.
emmac350: Mario was such a bedraggled little gremlin
emmac350: Mario was such a bedraggled little gremlin
emmac350: Mario settling into his temporary bathroom home
emmac350: Mario settling into his temporary bathroom home
emmac350: And then there were two. Princess Peach joins Mario in their temporary bathroom home.
emmac350: Brave Princess Peach (/s)
emmac350: Taming dos gatos
emmac350: Taming dos gatos
emmac350: Taming dos gatos
emmac350: Taming dos gatos
emmac350: Nom nom nom
emmac350: Brave kitties at the vet
emmac350: Brave kitties at the vet
emmac350: ...there are two bowls, you know...
emmac350: ...there are two bowls, you know...
emmac350: Princess Peach
emmac350: Mario hiding
emmac350: I open the litter box to sift...and they immediately get in.
emmac350: New cat tree
emmac350: New cat tree
emmac350: Enjoying their cat tree
emmac350: Enjoying their cat tree
emmac350: Enjoying their cat tree
emmac350: Enjoying their cat tree
emmac350: They can get into the tub now so the litter box can go in it
emmac350: Pretty sure the moustachioed kitten is Mario and Princess Peach's sibling (based on size and location seen, it was very feral)
emmac350: Thanks, kitties.