emma.maria: sweet ass bus-home from montana. so cozy inside!
emma.maria: mm this sticker kinda makes me wanna go to ruski's for a brewski real bad
emma.maria: heat local
emma.maria: great hat guy chokes
emma.maria: great hat guy toasts his cashews
emma.maria: great hat guy accepts a shot of cashews
emma.maria: lamb.
emma.maria: children with hammers
emma.maria: P1070810
emma.maria: children whacking peas
emma.maria: beautiful beautiful knives
emma.maria: handcrafted knife. want.
emma.maria: beavertail knife sheath. want.
emma.maria: hi i'm a crazy looking animal.
emma.maria: is this creature what inspired the playboy bunny? look at those smoky eyes!
emma.maria: bike parade
emma.maria: fedco seeds beautiful booth
emma.maria: the most stylish tree catalog ever
emma.maria: apples found in old maine orchards
emma.maria: P1070793
emma.maria: some apple varieties of maine
emma.maria: some apple varieties of maine
emma.maria: volunteer luncheon
emma.maria: volunteer luncheon
emma.maria: free breakfast calls for some shoveling action
emma.maria: cold morning, free delicious breakfast
emma.maria: cold kelly and her nice warm breakfast
emma.maria: the permit-only camping area we unintentionally snuck into
emma.maria: this is how early i wake up when camping (sooo not rugged)
emma.maria: late night jam sesh at the pizza cart