Emma-Victoria: Disappearance
Emma-Victoria: Try not to worry over what others think, they are all generally floating around in their own bubbles of life
Emma-Victoria: Some words just do not need to be spoken
Emma-Victoria: Do not judge others on appearance, in reality they are no different to you or I, and are still here for the same reason
Emma-Victoria: EXPLORED - There is always light at the end of the tunnel, It's up to you to find the right tunnel
Emma-Victoria: Crinkle Toes
Emma-Victoria: Yes....its empty
Emma-Victoria: Don't keep your feelings bottled up inside, as over time they will become old and withered and it will make it harder to let them out
Emma-Victoria: You will only draw the short straw if you allow yourself to {Explored}
Emma-Victoria: Anyone here?
Emma-Victoria: Sometimes you have to stop juggling those balls and just let them fall and accept where they land. They may look brighter when you do
Emma-Victoria: It's been one of those weeks, I just had to get a closer look to make sure I hadn't left a drop.....
Emma-Victoria: Go on have some fun!
Emma-Victoria: Bubblicious
Emma-Victoria: We can draw upon anyones energy, we all have an aura and the colour depends on your mood. What colour do others draw from you?
Emma-Victoria: Don't let others opinions distort your view, trust your own judgement
Emma-Victoria: Life could be so much more exciting with ice and a slice, don't settle for anything less
Emma-Victoria: Who ate all the sweets? {Explored}
Emma-Victoria: Psychedelic Funky Bubble
Emma-Victoria: Mazda, Mirror, Manoeuvre
Emma-Victoria: Secret Agent KJ
Emma-Victoria: Fly like a bird, feel the freedom beneath your wings
Emma-Victoria: If you get stuck in the stickiness of life, make a change
Emma-Victoria: Can anyone help me find my way home?
Emma-Victoria: Living the dream
Emma-Victoria: Don't go into the black hole.....
Emma-Victoria: An attempt at Alibubba's fish face!!