Emma-Victoria: Believe in yourself ~ Set your sights high ~ Reach for the stars
Emma-Victoria: If you feel that your heart has been pulled, it will spring back eventually. All it takes is a little time {Explored}
Emma-Victoria: Your Guardian Angel is watching over you
Emma-Victoria: Don't close yourself off to opportunities that may come your way, they didn't appear by accident
Emma-Victoria: If your searching for answers to your questions and things seem to be blurred, take some time to sit in silence, the truth of what your looking for will appear
Emma-Victoria: You can hide behind others but your true beauty will always stand out
Emma-Victoria: Do you feel like you drift through each day doing the same old thing, do something different...really think about something you would love to do - don't be a robot;be you
Emma-Victoria: If you were to fill a jar with pebbles/stones would you say it was full?.............
Emma-Victoria: Beauty isn't just skin deep;It's underneath that counts too
Emma-Victoria: When kisses are not enough, send bubble hearts instead
Emma-Victoria: Whenever you feel like you have the weight of your world on your shoulders; imagine rolling it into a ball, lay it down and kick it far away.....
Emma-Victoria: Take the time to stand still in the whirlwind that is life, ground yourself and find a moment to think
Emma-Victoria: Sometimes when can't see what we are trying to focus on because we don't believe
Emma-Victoria: A little bit of sunshine encourages us all to grow
Emma-Victoria: Take time to reflect on where you have been, but more importantly where you are going
Emma-Victoria: Bowls; It's a serious game even at 7 years of age....
Emma-Victoria: It is the tiny detail about people that make up the person that they are
Emma-Victoria: Take a seat with your thoughts, spend time creating the way in which they grow.....{EXPLORED}
Emma-Victoria: Being individual doesn't mean you are wrong, stand out from the crowd and be proud {EXPLORED!}
Emma-Victoria: Learn to love yourself, only then can you expect someone else to love you too.
Emma-Victoria: Tree of Hearts....
Emma-Victoria: Do you live life on the edge...
Emma-Victoria: Face every challenge with a spring in your step
Emma-Victoria: Coca Cola Bubbles. That is all.
Emma-Victoria: Peppercorns are really quite interesting.
Emma-Victoria: People always search for that pot of gold. Be happy in yourself and then the search will end.
Emma-Victoria: Even leaves get goose bumps.....
Emma-Victoria: The quality of your day is determined by your state of mind.