Emily on Ice: Parental Units
Emily on Ice: More Parental Units
Emily on Ice: Dee Wright Observatory
Emily on Ice: Tumalo Falls from Above
Emily on Ice: At Tumalo Falls
Emily on Ice: Wampler Trio
Emily on Ice: Lovely Tumalo Falls
Emily on Ice: Tumalo Falls again.
Emily on Ice: Crater Lake
Emily on Ice: Crater Lake, #2
Emily on Ice: Mom and Dad
Emily on Ice: Crater Lake #3
Emily on Ice: Crater Lake #4
Emily on Ice: Around the outside of CL
Emily on Ice: Down the inside of the Crater
Emily on Ice: Wizard Island
Emily on Ice: Phantom Ship
Emily on Ice: Phantom Ship #2
Emily on Ice: Wampler Trio, again.
Emily on Ice: Lovely lake.
Emily on Ice: Mt Bachelor
Emily on Ice: Fishing Folk
Emily on Ice: South Sister (I think)
Emily on Ice: Smith Rock State Park
Emily on Ice: Another view of SMSP
Emily on Ice: Smith Rock
Emily on Ice: Em and the Roses