Emily Robin: Makeshift curtains up!
Emily Robin: No full mattress yet
Emily Robin: Gooooooodnight
Emily Robin: From the top
Emily Robin: long way down
Emily Robin: I have a t-shirt problem
Emily Robin: #1 t-shirt of all time
Emily Robin: #2 t-shirt of all time
Emily Robin: #3 t-shirt of all time
Emily Robin: Meredith & Bryan camping in our front yard
Emily Robin: Snowed in
Emily Robin: Biscuits w/ agave
Emily Robin: Apple + cheddar biscuits
Emily Robin: Spanky ready for his adventure
Emily Robin: Putting hats on Xander
Emily Robin: Proud mother
Emily Robin: Typing
Emily Robin: A collection of food preparation words
Emily Robin: The old Joy of Cooking matches my typewriter
Emily Robin: from charlotte
Emily Robin: Meredith and BULK FOODS
Emily Robin: Cutest chopsticks ever...
Emily Robin: Sweet friend
Emily Robin: Nite-lite
Emily Robin: Mountain of collards
Emily Robin: Southern fried tofu!