emilypdunne: head stone
emilypdunne: Transmitter
emilypdunne: Girls Part
emilypdunne: Better call Saul!
emilypdunne: President Beast
emilypdunne: Master
emilypdunne: Panel I (edit)
emilypdunne: Panel IV (Dentist's Wife)
emilypdunne: Panel III (Magician)
emilypdunne: Pane lII (fisher, dreamer)
emilypdunne: Panel IV (Philosopher)
emilypdunne: Dog Eared
emilypdunne: Composition II
emilypdunne: Mourning Slide II
emilypdunne: Mourning Piece
emilypdunne: Think of our earth, spinning in space
emilypdunne: singers
emilypdunne: Save Yourself
emilypdunne: Part of the sun
emilypdunne: Can we hear a noise like waves in a sea-shell?
emilypdunne: Bird
emilypdunne: Bird (back)
emilypdunne: fleyes (back)
emilypdunne: Sounds (back)
emilypdunne: Sounds
emilypdunne: Fleyes
emilypdunne: Amaze
emilypdunne: amaze (back)
emilypdunne: Why weeds can exists only where man lives and works
emilypdunne: tralalalala