Lost Albatross: A sea of humanity
Lost Albatross: Running barefoot
Lost Albatross: Bullet
Lost Albatross: Rolling out
Lost Albatross: Jeffrey, just think!
Lost Albatross: Round the bend
Lost Albatross: Double blur
Lost Albatross: Rushing by
Lost Albatross: Cresting
Lost Albatross: Nearly there
Lost Albatross: Running with the pack
Lost Albatross: Uphill battle
Lost Albatross: Grimace
Lost Albatross: Triumph
Lost Albatross: Take a moment
Lost Albatross: And now, they run
Lost Albatross: The old fashioned way
Lost Albatross: A run with a view
Lost Albatross: Run it out
Lost Albatross: Father daughter run
Lost Albatross: The home stretch
Lost Albatross: The final run
Lost Albatross: Triathlon champs
Lost Albatross: Support