ekornblut: Mali relaxes after the keynote
ekornblut: Mali and Jim's keynote at NECC
ekornblut: TIGed on the big screen during Mali & Jim's keynote
ekornblut: Mali and Jim being interviewed by Lester Holt
ekornblut: Luke at the poster session
ekornblut: Luke talking to teachers
ekornblut: Mike shows a teacher TIG
ekornblut: Kirsten and Luke at the International Reception
ekornblut: Australian teachers at ISTE Leadership Symposium
ekornblut: finger puppets
ekornblut: Reality: Worst Game Ever
ekornblut: WOW2 broadcast
ekornblut: WOW2 broadcast
ekornblut: mural
ekornblut: ceiling decorations
ekornblut: the menger hotel
ekornblut: ceiling of the menger hotel
ekornblut: the alamo
ekornblut: two of six flags over texas at the alamo
ekornblut: cactus
ekornblut: cactus flower
ekornblut: lamp
ekornblut: live oak at the alamo
ekornblut: the alamo
ekornblut: alamo rules
ekornblut: cans up close
ekornblut: can star sculpture
ekornblut: crates o'stuff
ekornblut: all that waste
ekornblut: deconstructing the exhibit hall