Em Hague: Field sketch for reference
Em Hague: Rick and Meghan move a base stone in place with the bobcat
Em Hague: Meghan and Rick strategize on the base layer
Em Hague: Artie grinds the bedrock base
Em Hague: Artie shapes the bedrock base
Em Hague: Meghan and Rick guide a step into place, with the bobcat
Em Hague: Moving a step into place
Em Hague: Chris and Meghan move a step closer
Em Hague: Chris cuts a frozen root (yes, frozen!!)
Em Hague: Decker shapes tier 1
Em Hague: View of the site, day 3
Em Hague: Work site diagram
Em Hague: View of the steps, week 2
Em Hague: View of the abutment, week 2
Em Hague: Brian shapes a tier 2 stone
Em Hague: Bits, feathers and wedges
Em Hague: Meghan works on the impossible gargoyle
Em Hague: Moving tier 2 into place
Em Hague: Shaping the root arch
Em Hague: Group strategy session on the impossible gargoyle
Em Hague: Chris and Meghan strategize
Em Hague: Moving tier 2 into place after shaping
Em Hague: Chris and the diabolical saw, part 4
Em Hague: Chris and the diabolical saw, part 3
Em Hague: Chris and the diabolical saw, part 2
Em Hague: Chris and the diabolical saw, part 1
Em Hague: Decker shaping a stone
Em Hague: Decker shapes a tier 2 stone in place
Em Hague: Group photo on the steps
Em Hague: Bridge abutment as of May 4