emilyfrances5: 9.24.12 - Right outside our door. Can you spot Muriel's collection of nature finds from walking to and from the big kids' school every morning?
emilyfrances5: 9.23.12 - Swedish Pancakes for Breakfast
emilyfrances5: 9.22.12 - In the garden on the first day of fall
emilyfrances5: 9.21.12 - Muriel & Claudia
emilyfrances5: 9.20.12 - Someone's legs are getting awfully long for the grocery cart.
emilyfrances5: 9.19.12 - British Flapjacks. Made these today.
emilyfrances5: 9.18.12 - Watching Niamh at dance class
emilyfrances5: Elementary School Mural
emilyfrances5: Reading in a basket
emilyfrances5: "little tea"
emilyfrances5: 9.17.12 - "Mama, want to take a picture of me laying like this?"
emilyfrances5: 9.16.12 - Making friendship bracelets this morning
emilyfrances5: 9.15.12 - Evening. Nearing the end of summer.
emilyfrances5: 9.14.12 - Had a BBQ at our place tonight, which included these three lovely ladies
emilyfrances5: 9.13.12 - picked a few apples here after dropping the big kids off at school
emilyfrances5: 9.12.12 - The dead peach tree in the backyard came down today
emilyfrances5: 9.11.12 - Niamh, first day of Irish Dance
emilyfrances5: Shopping at Fred Meyer with Muriel
emilyfrances5: I asked him three times to get ready for bed, but the new library books were too distracting. Lucky for him I'm only half annoyed.
emilyfrances5: 9.10.12 - It rained last night for the first time in 48 days
emilyfrances5: This morning's style, by Niamh
emilyfrances5: 9.9.12 - I want these, and I don't even like Candy Corn
emilyfrances5: Sunset in the International District
emilyfrances5: 9.8.12 - Wild Boy
emilyfrances5: 9.7.12 - another gorgeous sunset in Seattle, this time at Carkeek Park
emilyfrances5: Jody & Corbin
emilyfrances5: I think he likes it
emilyfrances5: another view from sunset park
emilyfrances5: 9.6.12 - Sunset Park