this is emily: gravity powered car wash
this is emily: water catchment area
this is emily: water catchment area
this is emily: it's a trap
this is emily: resetting a possum trap
this is emily: tree canopy
this is emily: intriguing vine
this is emily: hiking style
this is emily: kereru - wood pigeon
this is emily: kereru profile
this is emily: tall trees
this is emily: 1920s survey station marker
this is emily: ponga tree fern
this is emily: water train
this is emily: WWW original internet tubes 1924
this is emily: foxgloves
this is emily: Dawsonia superba: the tallest moss in the world
this is emily: rewarewa
this is emily: rata with ephiphetes
this is emily: traps for stoats and possums
this is emily: where does your water come from?
this is emily: old dam
this is emily: contemplating kanuka
this is emily: wainuiomata water treatment plant
this is emily: wainuiomata water treatment plant