this is emily: aeonium schwarzkopf and leucadendron
this is emily: my first turnip
this is emily: turnip peeking out
this is emily: more brussels
this is emily: kohlrabhi
this is emily: second-shoot celery
this is emily: cavalo nero
this is emily: arugula
this is emily: miner's lettuce, mustard greens, cilantro
this is emily: winter greens
this is emily: winter greens 2
this is emily: winter greens 1
this is emily: vertical garden
this is emily: peas, kale and celery
this is emily: pak choi
this is emily: post-storm posts
this is emily: cauliflower
this is emily: cauliflower
this is emily: pak choi looking good
this is emily: cabbage in the blueberry patch
this is emily: winter in the garden
this is emily: the big romanesco
this is emily: hey big fennel
this is emily: artichokes
this is emily: harwood late orange
this is emily: fig brown turkey, winter
this is emily: container garden
this is emily: persimmon tree
this is emily: monster romanesco