this is emily: mahakala
this is emily: yamantaka
this is emily: yamantaka detail
this is emily: yamantaka detail
this is emily: shakyamuni buddha
this is emily: simhanada lokeshvara
this is emily: geluk refuge tree detail
this is emily: Tibet House gallery
this is emily: milarepa
this is emily: padmasambhava
this is emily: amitabha buddha
this is emily: vajrayogini with mansion
this is emily: vajrayogini with mansion
this is emily: Akshobya
this is emily: Akshobya detail
this is emily: Bob Thurman and Menla Buddha
this is emily: detail from milarepa
this is emily: geluk refuge tree
this is emily: geluk refuge tree
this is emily: Bob and Yamantaka
this is emily: Maitreya Buddha
this is emily: 3-d mandala detail
this is emily: 3-d mandala
this is emily: 3-d mandala
this is emily: detail from lhamo
this is emily: detail from lhamo with senses offering