this is emily: view of trongsa
this is emily: view of trongsa
this is emily: painting detail depicting archery, bhutan's national sport
this is emily: golden flower
this is emily: painting detail
this is emily: lily chillin' in orange, trongsa
this is emily: trongsa through the trees
this is emily: misty trongsa
this is emily: mountain view
this is emily: mountain view
this is emily: door detail, trongsa dzong
this is emily: windows of trongsa dzong
this is emily: balcony, trongsa dzong
this is emily: young monk blowing bubbles with chewing gum
this is emily: young monks at trongsa dzong
this is emily: center of the "wheel of life"
this is emily: discipline master
this is emily: prayer wheel
this is emily: a particularly uncomfortable looking hell realm
this is emily: hell realm detail
this is emily: painting detail, dharma wheel
this is emily: architectural detail
this is emily: trongsa dzong
this is emily: painting detail, trongsa dzong
this is emily: painting detail, yab yum, trongsa dzong
this is emily: mandala ceiling, trongsa dzong
this is emily: socks drying
this is emily: kids in trongsa
this is emily: emily and a weaver in trongsa