this is emily: father and daughter skipping along the chortens at dochu la
this is emily: emily at dochu la
this is emily: emily at dochu la
this is emily: prayer flags at dochu la
this is emily: 108 chortens at Dochu La
this is emily: meditating at dochu la
this is emily: emily and sencho
this is emily: home decorated with auspicious symbols
this is emily: confluence view
this is emily: punakha dzong
this is emily: emily and stephanie
this is emily: group portrait
this is emily: two adorable girls
this is emily: hello lantana, my flowery friend
this is emily: lovely feathery trees
this is emily: punakha dzong
this is emily: punakha dzong
this is emily: punakha dzong
this is emily: mitch under bodhi tree
this is emily: mitch under a bodhi tree
this is emily: door detail, punakha dzong
this is emily: cosmic mandala
this is emily: rooster at punakha dzong
this is emily: auspicious home decoration detail
this is emily: detail of painting, punakha dzong
this is emily: emily and a monk
this is emily: a stylin' young monk in my shades
this is emily: emily at punakha dzong
this is emily: josh filming monks at punakha dzong