this is emily: flying from bangkok to paro
this is emily: breakfast on druk air
this is emily: flying from bangkok to paro
this is emily: flying from bangkok to paro
this is emily: flying from bangkok to paro
this is emily: flying from bangkok to paro
this is emily: josh, arriving in paro
this is emily: arriving in paro
this is emily: help keep avian flu out of bhutan
this is emily: ngultrum exchange rates
this is emily: bob and brent, our fearless leaders
this is emily: mitch, dapper in a khata
this is emily: karin and milissa
this is emily: josh in paro
this is emily: emily in paro
this is emily: beautiful door with dharma wheel
this is emily: view from room at zhiwaling, paro, bhutan
this is emily: tom and stephanie
this is emily: listening to lily and bob
this is emily: painting detail at hotel
this is emily: chili peppers drying on rooftops
this is emily: tenzin through the flowers
this is emily: national museum of bhutan, paro
this is emily: pink lily
this is emily: emily and david
this is emily: view of taktsang lakhang
this is emily: tsering pointing the way for linda and brenda
this is emily: path up to taktsang
this is emily: prayer flags on the path to taktsang