this is emily: emily and alex
this is emily: wendy at lunch
this is emily: scallops at takashimaya teabox
this is emily: emily, alex and wendy
this is emily: princess camellia
this is emily: wagashi tree
this is emily: central park wagashi
this is emily: wagashi salad
this is emily: shiki no hana
this is emily: fruit basket
this is emily: chef taking applause
this is emily: princess camellia
this is emily: harris tries a camellia
this is emily: Brianna trying a shiki no hana cherry blossom
this is emily: wendy and harris
this is emily: alex and wendy
this is emily: wendy and alex
this is emily: wendy and the swan
this is emily: swan wagashi made for wendy
this is emily: east and west pastry chefs
this is emily: wagashi bar demonstration
this is emily: wagashi bar demonstration