Emily05MLE: Jailbreak
Emily05MLE: San Silvestre
Emily05MLE: Las Uvas de la Suerte
Emily05MLE: Adelantame, gracias/Pass me, please
Emily05MLE: One of the Three Kings talking to Santa on his cell phone
Emily05MLE: Bélen/Crèche/Nativity Scene
Emily05MLE: La Trama Del Lenguaje/The Plot of Language
Emily05MLE: because sometimes the only way to get over a test is to have a beer
Emily05MLE: Who knew? An uglier Chia Pet
Emily05MLE: American School London
Emily05MLE: Fito!
Emily05MLE: Fito y Fitipaldis drink tokens
Emily05MLE: Toros y tocino
Emily05MLE: Ensalada murciana
Emily05MLE: Sobrasada con queso fresco
Emily05MLE: Cena a La Palomita
Emily05MLE: Os Odio a Todos
Emily05MLE: Locura
Emily05MLE: Chicos Españoles