emilymonster: schoolhousewasyourhouse
emilymonster: lines & curves
emilymonster: rip it off like a bandaid
emilymonster: crayons
emilymonster: haphazardly
emilymonster: let me go
emilymonster: lines & texture
emilymonster: off to Kenya
emilymonster: stand back here
emilymonster: nonetheless
emilymonster: I Will Be Home Then
emilymonster: disarray
emilymonster: you've got a lot of explaining to do
emilymonster: walk with me
emilymonster: it was worth the risk
emilymonster: "...as vicious as roman rule"
emilymonster: "I will sing a song to you..
emilymonster: give it time
emilymonster: lack of color
emilymonster: 6-11-35
emilymonster: aquaduct
emilymonster: Amphitheatre
emilymonster: royal at best
emilymonster: watch your back
emilymonster: "...around the old oak tree"
emilymonster: the bird's nest
emilymonster: esperanza
emilymonster: Call it love