Emily-Nicole: 21/366
Emily-Nicole: 14/366 Hiding?
Emily-Nicole: 13/366 Captivate, Capture
Emily-Nicole: Well This Is The Real Me.
Emily-Nicole: “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
Emily-Nicole: "October is crisp days and cool nights, a time to curl up around the dancing flames and sink into a good book.”
Emily-Nicole: Behind These Hazel Eyes....
Emily-Nicole: Trying So Hard
Emily-Nicole: Self Portrait
Emily-Nicole: Sisters
Emily-Nicole: 63/366 Shadows
Emily-Nicole: 71/366 Faces
Emily-Nicole: 67/366 Hide, Hide Behind Your Mask
Emily-Nicole: 75/366
Emily-Nicole: 97/366
Emily-Nicole: 131/366
Emily-Nicole: 130/366
Emily-Nicole: 129/366
Emily-Nicole: 190/366 Mustache Sistas
Emily-Nicole: 189/366 Mustache Switchup
Emily-Nicole: 188/366 Mustache Secrets...
Emily-Nicole: 183/366 Mustache Happiness
Emily-Nicole: 182/366 Mustache Disgust
Emily-Nicole: 335 Light Drawings
Emily-Nicole: 181/366 Mustache Lip
Emily-Nicole: 180/366 Unibrow???
Emily-Nicole: 178/366 I mustache you a question, but I'm shaving it for later!
Emily-Nicole: 256/366
Emily-Nicole: 257/366