egkg1: Acton Congregational Church
egkg1: Weathervane on the Acton Congregational Church
egkg1: Weathervane on the Ward Hill Church
egkg1: Boott Cotton Mills
egkg1: Weathervane on the Boott Cotton Mills
egkg1: Weathervane on the Lower Pacific Mills
egkg1: Ayer Mill Clock Tower
egkg1: Tower on the Lower Pacific Mills
egkg1: Weathervane on the Boott Cotton Mills
egkg1: Walnut Square School
egkg1: Weathervane on the Walnut Square School
egkg1: Weathervane on the Haverhill post office
egkg1: Weathervane on the First Church of Christ on Bradford Common
egkg1: Steeple on the First Church of Christ on Bradford Common
egkg1: Weathervane on the Talbot Mills
egkg1: Weathervane on the North Parish Unitarian Church
egkg1: Steeple on the North Parish Unitarian Church
egkg1: Weathervane on the Museum of Printing
egkg1: Weathervane on the Museum of Printing
egkg1: Simple Weathervane
egkg1: Weathervane on the Ayer Mills
egkg1: Ayer Mills Clocktower
egkg1: Wakefield First Baptist Church
egkg1: Weathervane on the First Baptist Church in Wakefield
egkg1: Weathervane on the Old South Methodist Church of Reading
egkg1: Reading Fire Station
egkg1: Weathervane on the Reading Fire Station
egkg1: Main St. Weathervane
egkg1: Grasshopper Weathervane
egkg1: Firehouse Weathervane