W.johnatan: Flickr Friday LoveIsInTheAir
W.johnatan: Flickr Friday PreciousTreasure
W.johnatan: Rock Dorothy #DorothysRedShoes Flickr Friday
W.johnatan: protect the planet #ImOnlyHuman
W.johnatan: l'arrêt d'bus #Flickr Friday #TheBusStop
W.johnatan: disappear #EverythingMustGo #FlickrFriday
W.johnatan: "iceberg ahead" #FlickrFriday #IcebergAhead
W.johnatan: egg.. #FlickrFriday #Yellow
W.johnatan: no way. Flickr Friday #NoWayOut
W.johnatan: under the rain #FlickrFriday #CultivatedLandscape
W.johnatan: sound engineer #FlickrFriday #PeopleAtWork
W.johnatan: poulet de Bresse #FlickrFriday #LocalLandmark
W.johnatan: Hmmm Candy #SweetSurprise #FlickrFriday
W.johnatan: hot-air balloon #FlickrFriday #LightAsAFeather
W.johnatan: #FlickrFriday #HighNoon
W.johnatan: Over there the ocean in 1000km #FlickrFriday #OurOcean
W.johnatan: #Children'sCorner #FlickrFriday
W.johnatan: here comes the storm #FlickrFriday #GoldenHour
W.johnatan: Hard night #TheMorningAfter #FlickrFriday
W.johnatan: parchment #FlickrFriday #Calligraphy
W.johnatan: My prefer without filter #FlickrFriday #NoFilter
W.johnatan: Adaptation #FlickrFriday #JetLag
W.johnatan: the gong #FlickrFriday #SavedByTheBell
W.johnatan: myself mirror #FlickrFriday #ThroughTheLookingGlass
W.johnatan: bokeh of my darling #FlickrFriday #Bokeh
W.johnatan: Cobweb in Twilight #Twilight #FlickrFriday
W.johnatan: complicity #FlickrFriday #Whisper
W.johnatan: girl or boy ? Surprise in 24 days #FlickrFriday #Surprise!
W.johnatan: i need a candle #ReadBetweenTheLines #FlickrFriday
W.johnatan: Electric Bulb