emibot: work station
emibot: three makes family
emibot: painting them red
emibot: we try to stand straight
emibot: library
emibot: picnic break
emibot: gorgin'
emibot: other way
emibot: turbulent
emibot: by the river
emibot: ghost and me
emibot: docking
emibot: the trail in which to starve
emibot: easy does it
emibot: framed
emibot: I want it that way
emibot: behold, the majesty
emibot: a flurry of mini flowers
emibot: canopy
emibot: trail of blooms
emibot: one last thing
emibot: can I live here
emibot: old growth
emibot: viewpoint
emibot: campsite
emibot: break
emibot: crick
emibot: the mist
emibot: moss stricken
emibot: crossing