emiliabeth: Fuzzy scarf
emiliabeth: Chuck he Safety Cone (or Traffic cone, depends what you're in to)
emiliabeth: Chuck the Safety Cone
emiliabeth: My second shot at making something other than a scarf or small critter (front)
emiliabeth: My second shot at making something other than a scarf or small critter (front)
emiliabeth: parliament of owls
emiliabeth: My first knitting experiment
emiliabeth: Birthday turtle
emiliabeth: Canadian Owls
emiliabeth: Blanket-In-Law
emiliabeth: Blanket-In-Law
emiliabeth: Blanket-In-Law
emiliabeth: Blanket-In-Law
emiliabeth: Blanket-In-Law
emiliabeth: Osbert, Born 30th May 2008
emiliabeth: Osbert, Born 30th May 2008
emiliabeth: V stitch01.JPG
emiliabeth: V stitch02.JPG
emiliabeth: Babette03.JPG
emiliabeth: Babette02.JPG
emiliabeth: Babette01.JPG
emiliabeth: Bumble the bee
emiliabeth: bumble and J
emiliabeth: Emi and Herbert regard eachother
emiliabeth: Herbert in the spotlight
emiliabeth: Herbert! - the original
emiliabeth: Matt's new Owl
emiliabeth: Matt's new Owl
emiliabeth: Owl Army
emiliabeth: DSC00972.JPG