hoyasmeg: Group on Dover Castle
hoyasmeg: London Phone Box K2
hoyasmeg: Heather Feeding Pigeons in Trafalgar
hoyasmeg: Heather & Laura in Hyde Park
hoyasmeg: The Spastics Society
hoyasmeg: Shan, Heather, & Siegel Cooking
hoyasmeg: Way Out Laura
hoyasmeg: Laura with Shandy
hoyasmeg: Laura & Baskin Robbins
hoyasmeg: Heather with Rose
hoyasmeg: Laura wth Shandy
hoyasmeg: Feed an Artist
hoyasmeg: Trafalgar Square from National Gallery
hoyasmeg: New Year's Eve in Trafalgar Square
hoyasmeg: Self proclaimed Messiah
hoyasmeg: Laura & Heather on train_London91
hoyasmeg: Heather & Laura at White Cliffs
hoyasmeg: Berlin Wall - "Change Your Life"
hoyasmeg: Heather on Dover Beach
hoyasmeg: Siegel, Heather, & Laura at War Museum
hoyasmeg: Group at Dover Harbour
hoyasmeg: Heather on couch
hoyasmeg: Imperial War Museum signs
hoyasmeg: Tower of London
hoyasmeg: Tower Bridge 1
hoyasmeg: Tower Bridge 2
hoyasmeg: Tower of London Raven_London91
hoyasmeg: Tower of London Raven sign_London91
hoyasmeg: Great Fire Monument 1
hoyasmeg: Great Fire Monument 2