hoyasmeg: 1st photo in Cameroon_1059
hoyasmeg: Doula baggage Carousel_1061
hoyasmeg: Douala Airport_1062
hoyasmeg: Showing pictures to Porters_1678
hoyasmeg: Doula customs_1060
hoyasmeg: Luggage wrapping in Doula_1679
hoyasmeg: Doula Airport_1680
hoyasmeg: IMG_1681
hoyasmeg: Wrapping drums_1682
hoyasmeg: IMG_1689
hoyasmeg: Jet Hotel_1066
hoyasmeg: Jet Hotel_1065
hoyasmeg: Jet Hotel Street_1067
hoyasmeg: Jet Hotel room_1064
hoyasmeg: A Day of Rest_1068
hoyasmeg: Jet Hotel Lizard_1069
hoyasmeg: Royal Palace view_1095
hoyasmeg: Royal Palace view_1096
hoyasmeg: Royal Palace room_1097
hoyasmeg: Royal Palace Hotel_1099
hoyasmeg: Loading the truck_1100
hoyasmeg: IMG_1103
hoyasmeg: Waiting to leave Doula_1104