hoyasmeg: Respect for the Law_1344c
hoyasmeg: Cameroon Children (three)_1259
hoyasmeg: Clean Water Celebration_1491
hoyasmeg: Mbonge Living room_1509
hoyasmeg: Toliet, shower, no running water_1504
hoyasmeg: Water barrel_1503
hoyasmeg: Mbonge dining room_1508
hoyasmeg: Mbonge bedroom_1507
hoyasmeg: Daddy Joe_1355
hoyasmeg: Watching construction at window_1198
hoyasmeg: Cameroon Children_1180
hoyasmeg: Kids watching system construction_1179
hoyasmeg: IMG_1213
hoyasmeg: Catholic students @ worksite_1214
hoyasmeg: Children around well_1215
hoyasmeg: Children watching well work_1212
hoyasmeg: Cameroon children_1258
hoyasmeg: IMG_1260
hoyasmeg: Catholic School Children_1261
hoyasmeg: Cameroonian Children_1257
hoyasmeg: Girl with baby on back_1237
hoyasmeg: IMG_1238
hoyasmeg: Steve with children_1262
hoyasmeg: Steve with children_1263
hoyasmeg: Steve with children_1264
hoyasmeg: Excited about photography_1265
hoyasmeg: IMG_1277
hoyasmeg: IMG_1280
hoyasmeg: IMG_1281
hoyasmeg: Cameroon Boys at Window_1290