hoyasmeg: Tudor Revival house_0166
hoyasmeg: Don't Supersize_0167
hoyasmeg: Cotswold Cottage (Vickers Dr)_0168
hoyasmeg: Pemberton Statue_0193
hoyasmeg: Have a Coke_0194
hoyasmeg: Coke recycle bin_0197
hoyasmeg: World of Coca-Cola_0189
hoyasmeg: Atlanta Buildings_0190
hoyasmeg: Centennial Tower (broken windows)_0191
hoyasmeg: Skyline from Pemberton Place_0192
hoyasmeg: Redcoats march onto field_0380
hoyasmeg: Redcoats play halftime_0381c
hoyasmeg: Redcoats at Falcons Game_0382c
hoyasmeg: Tribute to the Olympics_0383c
hoyasmeg: Super Moneymaker Pump_2018
hoyasmeg: Barnabas looking at Kinkajou Projector_2022
hoyasmeg: Internet Village Motoman Network_2025
hoyasmeg: Q Drum_2027
hoyasmeg: Solar Dish Kitchen_2029
hoyasmeg: Pot-In-Pot Cooler_2033
hoyasmeg: Ceramic Jiko_2037
hoyasmeg: Sugarcane charcoal_2039
hoyasmeg: Portable Light prototypes_2040
hoyasmeg: Ceramic Water Filter_2048
hoyasmeg: Barnabas at cermanic water filters_2049
hoyasmeg: PermaNet_2051
hoyasmeg: Global Village Shelter_2054
hoyasmeg: Moneymaker Block Press_2056
hoyasmeg: AquaStar Plus! UV Water Treatment Device_2060
hoyasmeg: Aquastar Flow Through_2062