hoyasmeg: chalice and bread_2554c
hoyasmeg: Police car near Garden Tomb_1405
hoyasmeg: Field trip in Akko_1151
hoyasmeg: Art Center Marta Station_2870c
hoyasmeg: Butterfly on pink flower_2784c
hoyasmeg: Inside a Cubana AN-24_Cuba 007m
hoyasmeg: A well visited grave_1082
hoyasmeg: Classic car (57 plymouth?)_Cuba 023
hoyasmeg: Star of David and Cross_1936
hoyasmeg: Dome of the Chain's floor_1887
hoyasmeg: Nazareth Village Donkeys_0740
hoyasmeg: School Girls playing Hopscotch_Cuba 042
hoyasmeg: Carob (Locust) pods_0635
hoyasmeg: Mural beside Bethlehem Bible College_1381
hoyasmeg: Seven day old Donkey_0715
hoyasmeg: Hayyim (Chaim) Abulafia tomb_1081
hoyasmeg: Dome over the Shrine of the Book_1353
hoyasmeg: Community grown vegetables_Cuba 218
hoyasmeg: souvenir shop owner_1766
hoyasmeg: Akko (Acre) Lighthouse_1152
hoyasmeg: Building beside Hotel Jagua_Cuba 101
hoyasmeg: UN Vehicle_1415
hoyasmeg: Hand Stop Sign_1724
hoyasmeg: Church in Old Havana_Cuba 076
hoyasmeg: Magen David carving_0963
hoyasmeg: Two Palestinian police in Manger Square_1649
hoyasmeg: Mass in Bethlehem, Palestine_1632
hoyasmeg: Roe, Pritzl, and Dove_0162c
hoyasmeg: Bethlehem Security Wall and Checkpoint (Israeli side)_1377
hoyasmeg: Bread and Wine (Cracker and Juice)_2048