hoyasmeg: Quinns and Lost Dogs_2851
hoyasmeg: Quinns and Mike Roe (bw)_2852
hoyasmeg: Quinns and Mike Roe_2852
hoyasmeg: Judith_2745
hoyasmeg: Charlie on bass_2752
hoyasmeg: Ben Annis_2751
hoyasmeg: Ryan_2748
hoyasmeg: Ryan_2747
hoyasmeg: Audience listening to "The Well" Band_2735
hoyasmeg: The Well band_2734
hoyasmeg: The Well band_2733
hoyasmeg: The Well band_2732
hoyasmeg: The Well band_2731
hoyasmeg: The Well band_2730
hoyasmeg: The Well band_2729
hoyasmeg: The Well band_2728
hoyasmeg: The Well band_2727
hoyasmeg: The Well band_2726
hoyasmeg: The Well band_2725
hoyasmeg: Charlie and Rich_2722
hoyasmeg: The Well band_2716
hoyasmeg: Mike Roe with Julie & Audrey Quinn_2712
hoyasmeg: Jeff swinging Olivia_2739c
hoyasmeg: Mike Roe with Julie & Audrey Quinn (flash)_2713
hoyasmeg: Terry Taylor w/ Quinns_2850
hoyasmeg: Terry Taylor and Jeff_2849
hoyasmeg: Derri and Mike making custom CDs_2848
hoyasmeg: Mike Roe burning CDs_2847
hoyasmeg: Terry Taylor signing autographs_2846
hoyasmeg: Terry Taylor signing autographs_2845