hoyasmeg: Muslim school (north Temple Mount)_1898
hoyasmeg: Rear of Madrasa al-Omariya_1897
hoyasmeg: Police Office on Temple Mount_1896
hoyasmeg: The Holy of Holies_1895
hoyasmeg: Dome of the Rock_1894
hoyasmeg: Dome of the Rock (north)_1893
hoyasmeg: Dome of the Rock (north)_1892
hoyasmeg: Dome of Spirits sign_1891
hoyasmeg: Dome of the Spirits_1890
hoyasmeg: Dome of the Spirits (facing north)_1889
hoyasmeg: Dome of the Rock window_1888
hoyasmeg: Dome of the Chain's floor_1887
hoyasmeg: Dome of the Rock door (east side)_1886
hoyasmeg: Dome of the Chain's Dome interior_1885
hoyasmeg: Dome of the Chain_1884
hoyasmeg: Dome of the Rock_1883
hoyasmeg: Dome of the Rock_1882
hoyasmeg: Dome of the Rock's Golden Dome_1881
hoyasmeg: Gold Dome of Mosque_1880
hoyasmeg: Colonade Sundial_1879
hoyasmeg: Ablutions Fountain and al-Aqsa Mosque_1878
hoyasmeg: Al-Aqsa (al-Aksa) Mosque_1877
hoyasmeg: Dome of the Rock and Colonade_1876
hoyasmeg: Dome of the Rock and Colonade_1875
hoyasmeg: Dome of the Rock and Colonade_1874
hoyasmeg: Holiness requires longer sleeves_1873
hoyasmeg: Al-Aqsa dome and minaret_1824
hoyasmeg: al-Aksa Mosque Dome (from outside Jerusalem wall)_1820
hoyasmeg: al-Aksa (al-Aqsa) Dome from outside the wall_1817