hoyasmeg: Inside Lutheran Tower_2010
hoyasmeg: Sarah in the Lutheran Tower_2009
hoyasmeg: Holy Sepulcher Domes_2008
hoyasmeg: Large Holy Sepulcher Dome_2007
hoyasmeg: Small Holy Sepulcher Dome_2006
hoyasmeg: Church of the Holy Sepulcher (tower)_2005
hoyasmeg: Holy Sepulcher Domes_2004
hoyasmeg: Jerusalem Skyline w/ Holy Sepulcher_2003
hoyasmeg: Jerusalem Skyline w/ Holy Sepulcher_2002
hoyasmeg: Holy Sepulchre plaza_2001
hoyasmeg: Square near Holy Sepulchre_2000
hoyasmeg: St. John the Baptist Church_1999
hoyasmeg: Holy Sepulcher Domes_1998
hoyasmeg: Jerusalem Skyline w/ Holy Sepulcher_1997
hoyasmeg: Muristan in Jerusalem_1996
hoyasmeg: Church Dome in Jerusalem_1995
hoyasmeg: Jerusalem skyline (lutheran)_1994
hoyasmeg: Jerusalem Skyline w/ Dome of the Rock_1993
hoyasmeg: Jerusalem Skyline w/ Dome of the Rock (Lutheran)_1992
hoyasmeg: Church of the Redeemer bell_1991
hoyasmeg: Church of the Redeemer bell_1990
hoyasmeg: Tower of Lutheran church in Jerusalem_2120