hoyasmeg: Ariel Sharon's Muslim Quarter house_1795
hoyasmeg: Jerusalem roofs & Domes_1794
hoyasmeg: Jerusalem roofs_1793
hoyasmeg: Haram al-sharif (Hashimi)_1792
hoyasmeg: Another Hashimi shot_1791
hoyasmeg: Dome of the Rock_1790
hoyasmeg: Dome of Rock (Hashimi)_1789
hoyasmeg: Muslim Quarter rooftops_1788
hoyasmeg: Dome of the Rock (Hashimi)_1787
hoyasmeg: Muslim Quarter skyline (Hashimi)_1786
hoyasmeg: Antennas and mosque_1785
hoyasmeg: Skyline w/ Holy Sepulcher (Hashimi)_1805
hoyasmeg: Domes of Holy Sepulcher (Hashimi)_1804
hoyasmeg: Church Dome & Tower from Hashimi_1803
hoyasmeg: Church Tower from Hashimi_1802
hoyasmeg: Hashimi_1801
hoyasmeg: Tower north of Temple Mount_1800
hoyasmeg: From Hashimi_1799
hoyasmeg: Jerusalem from Hashimi_1798
hoyasmeg: Hashimi_1797
hoyasmeg: Ariel Sharon's Muslim Quarter house_1796
hoyasmeg: View from Hashimi restaurant_1784
hoyasmeg: Damascus Gate (from Hashimi)_2129
hoyasmeg: Towards Damascus Gate (Hashimi)_2128
hoyasmeg: Damascus Gate (from Hashimi)_2127
hoyasmeg: Jerusalem rooftops w/ Dome (Hashimi)_2126
hoyasmeg: Jerusalem from Hashimi_2125
hoyasmeg: Damascus Gate & Schmidt Girls' School_2124
hoyasmeg: Damascus Gate from Hashimi_2123
hoyasmeg: Fountain on Hashimi roof_2122