hoyasmeg: Girls walking along Promenade_1024
hoyasmeg: Galilee Experience Wharf_1017
hoyasmeg: Promenade from Caesar Hotel balcony_1016
hoyasmeg: Minaret beside hotel_1015
hoyasmeg: Golden Tulip Hotel_1014c
hoyasmeg: Hill in Tiberias_1013
hoyasmeg: Synagogue and Mosque_1012
hoyasmeg: Gate of the Crusader Fortress of Tiberias_1011
hoyasmeg: Sea of Galilee/Yam Kinneret_1010
hoyasmeg: Sea of Galilee/Yam Kinneret_1009
hoyasmeg: Gate of the Crusader Fortress of Tiberias_0838
hoyasmeg: Gate of the Crusader Fortress of Tiberias marker_0837
hoyasmeg: The "Jesus" boats_0836
hoyasmeg: Greek Orthodox Monastery, Tiberias_0835
hoyasmeg: Greek Orthodox Monastery, Tiberias_0834
hoyasmeg: Calm waters, Sea of Galilee_0833
hoyasmeg: Sea of Galilee outline_0832
hoyasmeg: Sea of Galilee outline_0830
hoyasmeg: Sea of Galilee outline_0829
hoyasmeg: Minaret in Tiberias_0828
hoyasmeg: Caesar Hotel Tiberias_0827
hoyasmeg: Caesar Hotel Tiberias_0826
hoyasmeg: Church of Scotland sign_0825
hoyasmeg: The Scots Hotel, Tiberias_0823
hoyasmeg: The Scots Hotel, Tiberias_0822
hoyasmeg: Old Scots Hospital_0821
hoyasmeg: The unfinished hotel_0820
hoyasmeg: Church of Scotland property_0819
hoyasmeg: Ron Beach Hotel_0818
hoyasmeg: View from Caesar Hotel balcony_0793