hoyasmeg: Blessed are the merciful_0894
hoyasmeg: Communion line_0893
hoyasmeg: Communion by intinction_0892
hoyasmeg: Receiving the sacrament_0891
hoyasmeg: Presenting the communion wine_0890
hoyasmeg: Breaking bread_0889
hoyasmeg: Fahed's communion homily_0888
hoyasmeg: Fahed & Keith lead communion_0887
hoyasmeg: Communion @ Mount of the Beatitudes_0886
hoyasmeg: Peacemakers Beatitude marker_0885
hoyasmeg: The Mount of the Beatitudes chapel_0884
hoyasmeg: Catholic Chapel on The Mount of the Beatitudes_0883
hoyasmeg: Beatitudes chapel altar_0882
hoyasmeg: Kneeling before Beatitudes altar_0881
hoyasmeg: Beati Pacifici window_0880
hoyasmeg: Beatitudes altar_0877
hoyasmeg: Trees on Beatitudes lawn_0876
hoyasmeg: North Shore of Galilee Sea_0875
hoyasmeg: Bananas beside Beatitudes_0874
hoyasmeg: Galilee landscape_0873
hoyasmeg: Galilee from Beatitudes Mt_0872
hoyasmeg: North shore of Galilee_0871
hoyasmeg: Beatitudes construction_0870