hoyasmeg: Western Wall excavations (from ramp)_1872
hoyasmeg: Women's section of Wall (from ramp)_1871
hoyasmeg: Western Wall from ramp_1870
hoyasmeg: Western Wall (from ramp)_1869
hoyasmeg: Western Wall (from ramp)_1868
hoyasmeg: Western Wall from ramp_1867
hoyasmeg: Excavation next to Wall_1866
hoyasmeg: Soldiers on ramp_1865
hoyasmeg: Excavation next to Wall_1864
hoyasmeg: Western Wall rules sign_1863
hoyasmeg: Western Wall history sign_1862
hoyasmeg: Buildings opposite Wall_1861
hoyasmeg: Star memorial to Holocaust victims_1859
hoyasmeg: Window into early century ground level_1857
hoyasmeg: Police vans on Western Wall Plaza_1856
hoyasmeg: Covered section of Western Wall_1855
hoyasmeg: Covered section of Western Wall_1854
hoyasmeg: Covered section of Western Wall_1853
hoyasmeg: Covered section of Western Wall_1852
hoyasmeg: Covered section of Western Wall_1851
hoyasmeg: Covered section of Western Wall_1850
hoyasmeg: Covered section of Western Wall_1849
hoyasmeg: Covered section of Western Wall_1848
hoyasmeg: Western Wall prayers_1847
hoyasmeg: Taking time to answer questions_1846
hoyasmeg: Praying at Western Wall_1845
hoyasmeg: Praying at Western Wall_1844
hoyasmeg: Praying at Western Wall_1843
hoyasmeg: Ramp to Temple Mount_1842
hoyasmeg: Western Wall_1841